Reference: Installing hyperland:
Reference video:
hyprland Theme Installation
After installing archlinux
First download the paru package
This address can also be used
git clone
Then enter the cd paru-git directory and execute the following command:
makepkg -si
- Then install the hyprland desktop
paru -S ml4w-hyprland-git
Installation and configuration startup
fcitx5 Skin Beautification
Chinese input method installation:
The Chinese input method itself has two frameworks, ibus and fcitx, I am using fcitx5 here.
pacman -S fcitx5 fcitx5-rime fcitx5-configtool
Strongly recommend the rime-ice
paru -S rime-ice-git
After the installation is complete, it also needs to be integrated into the system, and the following lines need to be added to the /etc/environment file:
PS: You can press Ctrl+; to display the clipboard in fcitx
There are many types of Chinese input method engines on fcitx5, I chose rime, which has good extensibility and portability.
PS: At first, the default input method of rime is traditional, you need to press Ctrl+~ to switch to simplified
If you need to configure rime, you need to set it in ~/.local/share/fcitx5/rime/default.custom.yaml, for example, if you want to set the number of pages for output words, write in the file:
"menu/page_size": 7
fcitx5 Skin Beautification:
git clone
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fcitx5/themes/
cd fcitx5-nord
cp -r Nord-Dark/ Nord-Light/ ~/.local/share/fcitx5/themes/
In ~/.config/fcitx5/conf/classicui.conf, change the Theme line as
# or
Then restart fcitx5 to apply the theme.
fcitx5 -r
Package Management Tools#
pacman, paru
Package search:
Super+Enter to open terminal
Super+B to open browser
Ctrl+Super+Enter to open application launcher
Super+Q to close window
Super+F to fullscreen
Super+T to toggle active windows into floating mode
Ctrl+Super+S to open Hyprland settings script
Super+E to open file manager
Super+Ctrl+E to open emoji picker
Super+Ctrl+C to open calculator
Super+Shift+T to toggle all windows into floating mode
Super+J to toggle split
Super+Left to move focus left
Super+Right to move focus right
Super+Up to move focus up
Super+Down to move focus down
Super+Mouse:273 to move window with mouse
Super+Shift+Right to increase window width on the right
Super+Shift+Left to increase window width on the left
Super+Shift+Up to increase window height on the top
Super+Shift+Down to increase window height on the bottom
Super+G to toggle window grouping
Super+K to swap windows
Super+Shift+A to toggle animations
Super+Print to take a screenshot
Super+Shift+S to take a screenshot
Super+Ctrl+Q to start exit interface
Super+Shift+W to change wallpaper
Super+Ctrl+W to open wallpaper selection
Super+Alt+W to start random wallpaper script
Super+Ctrl+Enter to open application launcher
Super+Ctrl+K to show shortcuts ======
Super+Shift+B to load status bar
Super+Ctrl+B to toggle status bar
Super+Shift+R to load hyprland configuration
Super+V to open shortcut management
Super+Ctrl+T to open status bar theme switch
Super+Ctrl+S to open ML4W dotfiles settings application
Super+Shift+H to toggle screen shader
Super+Alt+G to toggle game mode
Super+Z to open task center ======
Super+1 to open workspace 1
Super+2 to open workspace 2
Super+3 to open workspace 3
Super+4 to open workspace 4
Super+5 to open workspace 5
Super+6 to open workspace 6
Super+7 to open workspace 7
Super+8 to open workspace 8
Super+9 to open workspace 9
Super+0 to open workspace 10
Super+Shift+1 to move window to workspace 1
Super+Shift+2 to move window to workspace 2
Super+Shift+3 to move window to workspace 3
Super+Shift+4 to move window to workspace 4
Super+Shift+5 to move window to workspace 5
Super+Shift+6 to move window to workspace 6
Super+Shift+7 to move window to workspace 7
Super+Shift+8 to move window to workspace 8
Super+Shift+9 to move window to workspace 9
Super+Shift+0 to move window to workspace 10
Super+Tab to open next workspace
Super+Shift to open previous workspace
Super+Ctrl+1 to move all windows to workspace 1
Super+Ctrl+2 to move all windows to workspace 2
Super+Ctrl+3 to move all windows to workspace 3
Super+Ctrl+4 to move all windows to workspace 4
Super+Ctrl+5 to move all windows to workspace 5
Super+Ctrl+6 to move all windows to workspace 6
Super+Ctrl+7 to move all windows to workspace 7
Super+Ctrl+8 to move all windows to workspace 8
Super+Ctrl+9 to move all windows to workspace 9
Super+Ctrl+0 to move all windows to workspace 10
Super+Mouse—Up to open previous workspace
Super+Mouse—Down to open next workspace
Super+P to passthrough key to virtual machine.
Super+Escape to get super key back from virtual machine
hyprland configuration:
Configuration 1: